About CreativEdge Learning

We specialise in the developing and instruction of English and composition writing programmes for Primary 1 to Primary 6 pupils. 

For a decade, we conducted English and composition-writing enrichment programmes in numerous primary schools such as Kong Hwa School, St Andrews' Junior, Marymount Convent , St Joseph's Institution (Junior) and Maris Stella Primary school.

We have also collaborated with major publishers to publish composition writing guidebooks using our unique teaching methodology and learning resources.

Our best-selling series of composition-writing guide books "The Thinking Writer's Handbook" for Primary 1 to Primary 6 pupils was published by Popular's publishing arm,  Educational Publishing House (EPH)  and sold both locally and internationally.

In collaboration with Casco Publishing , we have published another set of composition-writing guidebooks "The Smart Writer's Handbook" for Primary  3 - 6 pupils. Keeping in line with the latest exam syllabus, "The Smart Writer's Handbook" provides detailed instruction of the writing skills and techniques that pupils require at every level to write a good composition.

For our English and composition-writing programmes, we make the best use of our extensive teaching experience and learning resources to tailor the most beneficial English programme and learning experience for your child.

At Creativedge Learning, we focus on ...

At Creativedge Learning, we are wholly focused on developing your child’s language and thinking skills to prepare your child for primary school and beyond. In a small-class setting, we consistently tailor the programme to your child's learning needs. As a boutique learning centre, we aim to best support your child on the learning journey so that your child’s academic learning is done in a positive environment as we encourage your child to attain the best results that he can achieve.

As a boutique learning centre, we aim to best support your child on the learning journey so that your child’s academic learning is done in a positive environment as we encourage your child to attain the best results that he can achieve.

Building the thinking skills

Building his or her analytical and critical thinking skills, your child develops the effective thinking skills which are essential tools in the learning process.

With effective thinking skills, your child learns to apply logic and knowledge to the problem-solving process. Your child will also be able to critically analyse and evaluate all the learning that he or she does.

Encouraging curiosity and imagination

By using his or her imagination and curiosity, your child learns to think outside of the box and develops creative problem-solving skills to overcome learning challenges.

Your child learns to be a creative thinker who is confident of his or her ability in learning and applying new skills and concepts.

solving process. Your child will also be able to critically analyse and evaluate all the learning that he or she does.

Developing the right mindset

Your child understands that hard work, determination and the belief in his or her own ability are the key elements to academic success.

With the right mindset, your child learns to be a motivated learner who manages academic work with a positive attitude