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PSLE model composition “An exciting adventure” In this post, we are using a PSLE model composition (based on the following topic) written by one of our Primary 6 pupils to illustrate the specific areas of concern. Refer to the highlighted sections for the specific areas of concern in the following PSLE model composition. Point (1) …
How to excel in the Singapore PSLE composition exam To excel in the Singapore PSLE composition exam , it is vital that the storyline fulfills the exam requirements. In this post, we list the top tips for writing an excellent PSLE composition. Model compositions written by our pupils are also included to illustrate the provided …
PSLE English composition topic To excel in the PSLE composition exam, it is necessary to fully comprehend the PSLE English composition topic and know what should be written and what should best be avoided. In this post, we will be examining a PSLE English composition topic from a past year school exam for the possible …
For the PSLE composition exam, strong content is the most important element to scoring well. Although descriptive language through the use of vocabulary words and phrases is necessary, fully understanding the PSLE composition topic is the one crucial factor to achieving an excellent score in the PSLE composition exam. With understanding , a pupil can …
In the PSLE composition exam, it is most important to write a composition which fully reflects the title. For example, a pupil wrote a composition based on the title “An Unexpected Visit“. However , after reading it, the marker thinks that there was no unexpected visit written in any part of the composition. Consequently, the …
Many children often find it difficult to learn to write a composition as there is no fixed answer to writing each composition. Writing a composition requires detailed content which is expressed using a strong command of the language. Some children are do not know what to write in a composition while some other children do …
As the PSLE composition exam is around the corner, this is the first in our series of articles on composition writing. This is to help parents and pupils better understand just how to achieve a good score for the composition exam. For the Primary 6 PSLE composition exam, the first and most important component is …