Read what parents say of our programmes

“Since joining CreativEdge for the iWritePSLE Programme, Charlton had strived hard for the last 4 months. After enrolling him for the programme, I noted that he had greater enthusiasm and interest in his work. Due to the programme’s systematic approach and the trainer’s ever encouraging words for Charlton, his confidence level was increased and he achieved a significant improvement for his composition-writing. The trainer and the centre have formed the perfect balance of warm and kind instruction combined with an educationally-focused structure. I would like to sincerely thank the trainer for her dedication and patience towards Charlton.”

Tricia, mother of Charlton Tan, P6(GEP) student of Tao Nan School

“Previously Alethea would focus more on writing creatively hence she would write whatever that came to mind. After enrolling Alethea in the programme, I noticed that she is able to more fully capture the theme of the story so as to fulfil the exam requirements. Her story content has also became more substantial and the wider knowledge of vocabulary words as well as the writing techniques taught have further aided her in improving her writing too.”

Lena Lim, mother of Alethea Tan, P6 (GEP) student of Raffles Girls’ Primary school 

“Mika definitely became a better writer after attending the class. When she first started, she could not connect her ideas. The programme helped to improve her sentence structure and she was taught how to create appropriate problems for her stories. Now she can connect her ideas more fluidly and her writing has improved. Not only so, the sentence starters , overused verbs and wide range of topics covered have also been very helpful in improving her writing.”

Mrs Chia, mother of Mika Chia, P6 student of Nanyang Primary School 

“Renee has always struggled with expressing herself on paper. However since starting the iWrite programme in Primary 3, the materials and teaching instruction have proved to be very helpful in aiding Renee in crafting her story as well as to avoid using common words. This has led to a significant improvement in her grades. Above all, it has been such a pleasure to see that she is now showing more confidence in writing and looks forward to her next writing assignment. “

Cindy, mother of Renee Yadav, P5 student of River Valley Primary School

“Both my children enjoy their weekly lessons at CreativEdge. As a result, they participate actively in the discussions in class that assist them in brain-storming ideas to improve their content. Their school teachers have feedback that their vocabulary bank and content have improved tremendously. It also makes a difference to the parents to see their children looking forward to the classes they attend at CreativEdge.

Sophie has been with CreativEdge for 4 years and recently she achieved an almost perfect score for her preliminary composition exam. I feel that I do not have to worry about Paper 1 anymore as I know CreativEdge will take care of that. In my opinion, the delivery of the teachers and the resources take priority as compared to physical location or centre names. “

Mrs Tan, mother of Sophie and Lukas Tan of Temasek Primary School

“I would like to thank CreativEdge for bringing up the standard of Ismail’s compositions from an average 24/40 when he first started on the iwrite programme in early P5 to 31/40 for end of year P5 exams and then to 37/40 for P6 prelims. He eventually scored an A* for English at PSLE, a feat that I thought was a little hard to achieve as his strengths and interests are not in languages. The methods taught are systematic and easy to grasp. They have greatly helped Ismail in formulating more expressive sentences and deeper content resulting in a much better overall quality in what he writes. I am really glad I got help from CreativeEdge in time and the resources spent was well worth it.”

Siti Aisha bte Abdullah, mother of Muhammad Ibrahim bin Mohd Salim, P6 (GEP) student at St Hilda’s Primary school

“CreativEdge has been helpful in teaching the appropriate skills to my child. Although my child may read a lot of books and his English is good, this programme has helped him to learn how to form a story properly by teaching him how to put a thought/idea logically and rationally into a properly structured story which is catered to our local exams. It is evident how he is able to structure his composition with the skills that he has learnt and is now able to put it to use independently. I also appreciate that the trainer is competent and careful with giving attention to each child. That to me personally is important because my child needs to be supervised.”

Mrs P, mother of student at Maris Stella High School (Primary)

“My daughter, Katelyn Goh, attends the P4 iWrite Weekly class. She is an avid reader, with a good spoken command of the language. She also loves writing short stories in her free time, and is often very creative and imaginative in her story-telling. However, this somehow did not translate into good results for her composition-writing in school. She had trouble with logical sequencing, proper pacing and structuring of the narrative, amongst other issues.

Since attending the P4 iWrite Weekly classes, the improvement in her compositions has been tremendous. I can see that she now has a better grasp of what is required of a strong composition, and I can see how she is incorporating what she is learning in class in her written work. 

In half a year, she has successfully moved from a Band 2 grade to a high Band 1 grade for English composition. I am convinced that this is due to the valuable input she has received through the iWrite Weekly classes. Katelyn also enjoys the classes as they are highly interactive and engaging. This is thanks to the dedication and hard work by the teachers to make composition writing come alive for the kids. Thanks!!.”

Mrs Goh, mother of Katelyn Goh, P4 student of Paya Lebar Methodist Girls School (Primary)

“Aderic has really enjoyed the time spent here at Creativedge. The lessons have taught him to be an expressive writer and a confident speaker. I see a significant improvement in his pronunciation and his written work, especially the widened range of vocabulary evident in his compositions. He is now more confident of his English language scores in the prelims this time!.”

Mdm Anne Tan, mother of Aderic Choo, P6 student of Maris Stella High School (Primary)

“Justin is an avid reader but never translated that love into writing good compositions. Coming to CreativEdge Learning has equipped him with the tools to transform from being a voracious reader to becoming a good storyteller.

Thank you, CreativEdge Learning for giving Justin the tools to enjoy the art of storytelling.”

Mr Goh, father of Justin Goh, P6 (GEP/Intermingling) student of Nanyang Primary School

“This is the centre which your child should come to if he/she is facing difficulties in writing compositions. During the programme, my child was taught the necessary writing techniques. She was then able to master the techniques and with practice, she was able to write her compositions with confidence, with a good flow of ideas in her writing. I am happy with the teacher’s diligence in her teaching as well as her patience.” 

Mrs Tay Mary, mother of Natalie Tay, P6(GEP) student of Raffles Girls Primary School

“Prior to attending the programme, the writing resources that Jochebed was provided with were rather general. After attending iWriteYOUNG (B), Jochebed has developed a keen interest in writing and she looks forward to coming to class. The programme cultivated her interest in writing and she has started to create booklets of short stories or flyers. Personally, I noted that the structure of the programme is very systematic. As it helps to fill in the gaps, her flow of thought is now more coherent.”

Mrs Sharon Chong, mother of Jochebed Chong, P2 student of Paya Lebar Methodist Girls school (Primary)

“From my observation, Ms Low coaches him in a highly interactive style. Her personalised teaching style is friendly and approachable. She relays her learning tips and messages in a cheerful and fun manner. Also, she never puts him down hence Timothy feels very motivated ever since he attended CreativEdge and this has in turn stimulated his interest in learning.” 

Mr Tan, father of Timothy Tan, P6 student of St Joseph’s Institution Junior 

” Ever since Ashley enrolled for the iWrite programme, we noted a progressive improvement in her style of writing. From less logical progression of a story line, her essays are now not only rational but are punctuated with elements of surprise and suspense. Her language is far more colourful and is replete with appropriate vocabulary. The conflicts introduced to the storyline and the way they are resolved in the end make her compositions fun to read.”

Mr Alvin Lim, father of Ashley Lim, P5 student of St Hilda’s Primary school

Prior to enrolling in the programme, she faced difficulties in bridging the gap between her flow of thought and the story gaps in her writing. Her storyline was also rather “bland” with an average range of vocabulary used , often repeating overly used words. Ever since she attended the program, Joelle has shown significant improvement in her written work through structured and systematic writing techniques taught during the lessons. She is now able to transform her writing , producing stories with a good flow of thought , written in a more organized manner as well as livening it up with good and extensive use of vocabulary words.

As Joelle commented, “I am never bored and it is always fun to attend the class …” I would like to express my sincere thanks to the trainer for her dedication and patience towards Joelle.”

Mdm June Then, mother of Joelle Then, P5 student of St Margaret’s Primary school

“Last year, while in Primary 3, Ben did not like to write compositions. He faced difficulty in coming up with a flowing and coherent storyline based on the 3 pictures provided as well as a reasonable conclusion to his story. Also, he would often repeat simple words in his composition (e.g. said, walked, ran), despite having above average vocabulary.

In the beginning of this year, Ben started writing lessons with CreativEdge. Through the structured and systematic approach to composition writing and guidance to use different ‘action’ and ‘emotive’ words taught in the lessons, Ben’s confidence in composition writing grew. From taking more than one and a half hour to write one composition with adult supervision and guidance, he now takes about forty-five minutes to write one INDEPENDENTLY. His composition grade for this year’s year-end examinations is a ‘B’ (16-17 marks), a marked improvement from the ‘F’ grade (5 – 11 marks) when he first started (grade is based on CreativEdge’s rubric for composition writing). Naturally, we are very pleased with his progress.”

Mrs Loh, mother of Benjamin Loh, P4 student of Anglo-Chinese School (Primary)

“My son always looks forward to attending CreativEdge’s writing class as it teaches him new writing strategies in a fun and interesting manner. Ms. Low, my son’s instructor is amazing! She is caring, encouraging and always there when my son needs her to comment on his work. The programme, professional and caring instructor as well as administrator makes CreativEdge a great place to improve my son’s writing skill.”

Mrs Chan, mother of Ruijia, P5 student of Kong Hwa School 

“My two daughters have enjoyed their short but enriching learning journey during their weekly classes for the iWrite programme. They have always had difficulty with their writing with no systematic thought and lack the range of vocabulary suitable for them. After a few lessons, I could see a tremendous improvement for my Primary 4 daughter with her writing style. My other Primary 3 daughter started to use the vocabulary and phrases she had previously learned and started applying it to her writing.I just wished I knew about iWrite earlier .. My girls will thoroughly miss their weekly lessons.”

Schnabel Tan, mother of Rebecca and Renee Rudianto, P3 and P4 students of Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus (Toa Payoh)

“My son started attending classes at CreativEdge since P2 and I have seen how he has improved in his English language. The curriculum and program materials are very effective and well structured. Ms Low is a very committed teacher and often goes the extra mile. She sets high standards for her students to motivate them to work harder whilst maintaining the fun and laughter in class.”

Jinny Goh, mother of Heok Hwa, P4 student of River Valley Primary school

Ms Low is a passionate teacher and she is able to explain concepts clearly to the students. My boy has definitely shown benefited from attending Ms Low’s class and his vocabulary for creative writing has also improved.

Tan Meng Shern, father of Tan J Young, P3 student of Catholic High School (Primary)

Both my daughters are enrolled in the programme and they are always looking forward to attend their classes. This is important to me as it is reassuring to know that the girls are enjoying their lessons while learning.

My Primary 4 daughter used to find it hard to write a composition as she did not understand what are the relevant details required in writing each section of the composition. After enrolling in the programme, she is now able to understand what each segment should entail. She has benefited from the step-by-step approach and the clear teaching instruction that enabled her to crystallise her ideas and craft a composition sequentially.

I noticed that my younger daughter’s accuracy and precision in her grammar foundation improving due to the consistent drilling and reinforcements in their materials and weekly classes. She is able to find the relevant keywords to lead her to the correct answer across all the components.

Both of their vocabulary has improved significantly and I’m glad that they have been introduced and taught how to use these words appropriately.

Tim Lee, father of Clara and Cheryl Lee, P4 and P2 students of St Margaret’s Primary school